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2023 Landscaping Trends to Look Out For

Are you looking for ways to spruce up your landscaping but don’t know how? You’re not alone. Many people struggle with choosing which features to add to their landscaping due to the overwhelming amount of options. In light of this, we’ve covered five landscape trends in 2023: natural stone pathways, artificial grass, water features, outdoor lighting, and water-wise plants. Review this list below and call a landscape designer to execute these ideas.

Natural Stone Pathways

Natural stones are the way to go if you want to break up your lawn and add a pathway. Some examples of natural stones commonly used for this landscaping trend include slate, limestone, granite, and sandstone. These options require little maintenance and each will bring unique design elements to your outdoor space.

Artificial Grass

A landscape feature that will decrease your maintenance task is artificial grass. This option will have your yard appearing fresh throughout the year while saving you money on water bills. After the synthetic grass is in your landscaping area, you’ll no longer need to worry about harsh fertilizers and chemicals.

Water Features

Regardless of your landscape size, water features can be the perfect touch and a great focal point of your outdoor space. Plus, a water feature can bring tranquility to your outdoors with its peaceful noises. Examples of water features to purchase include a statue fountain, waterfall, bird bath, water wall, and koi pond. Determine how much available space you have and contact your landscape designer for additional input on which water feature is best for you and your home.

Outdoor Lighting

Outdoor lighting will provide numerous benefits for you as the homeowner. First, outdoor lighting will increase the security levels around your home. Also, your family and friends will have safer navigation outside while you’re hosting parties after the sun sets. Not to mention that additional lighting will create a beautiful ambiance in your landscaping space that increases curb appeal.

Water-Wise Plants

According to Forbes, the 2023 landscaping trends will evolve around sustainability. Water-wise plants are a great way to implement environmentally friendly and sustainable elements into your outdoor space. These plants will not need watering as often because they are in the appropriate climate. Ultimately, you will be conserving water.

Contact Phase One Landscapes, Inc. for a landscape designer today to see which of these trends of 2023 would look perfect for your outdoor living space. Then, start your project and watch the area transform in all the best ways!

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